OSD600 Lab9
This is the last lab for the course OSD600. In this lab, we are asked to release my 1.0 version of the command line tool I have built -- urlstatuschecker, and publish it to a registry. Since my command line tool is written in node.js, I decided to publish it to "npm" registry.
I followed the documentation of contributing packages to the registry from npm website. Since I already finished the first few steps in the documentation, I just simply go to the package.json to modify the name and version of my repository. I modify the version number from 0.0.1 to 1.0.0, then I add a git tag to my project using the command " git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "urlstatuschecker version 1.0.0".
However, My Github workflows failed when and push it to my Github.
I had a look and found out the reason is that my snapshot still has a version of 0.0.1. After I updated my snapshot then re-tag it to 1.0.1, I typed the command "npm publish" to try to publish it. Another error showed up
It turns out that it is because I did no login to npm. I logged in with the command"npm adduser" then finally it published successfully.
I asked one of my classmates from the other course to follow my README to install and run my command-line tool. Maybe because he is also a programming student, he installed and ran my command-line tool properly through my README. That is great because it means my README is good enough on how to install and run the tool.
The link to my npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/urlstatuschecker
The link to my repository: https://github.com/tianlangwu/urlStatusChecker
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