My fouth PR request for Hacktoberfest
Picking the Issue
I have spent a lot of time finding an issue that I am capable to work on this time. I feel that I am so bad at self-learning. I looked at quite a few issues and tried to work on it but I just can't understand them even I googled and tested a lot. Finally, I gave up on adding a new feather for my fourth pull request. Instead, I decided to contribute to the project mattermost which larger than my previous projects.
The issue-16167 basically just convert all the file under a component from Javascript to Typescripts. The member of the project also provides the checklist for the migration.
- < ] Rename the files to their associated TypeScript extensions (ie.
) - Update any components using those to the correct imports
- [ > Fix any errors generated by the TypeScript compiler. You can run
make check-types
to display any errors
Working on the issue
Firstly, I changed some all 4 files extension from js to ts, jsx to tsx. After I done that, there are a few compile errors show up. Such as:
Parameter 'props' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Property 'serverVersionOnAppLoad' does not exist on type 'Readonly<{}> & Readonly<{ children?: ReactNode; }>'.
roperty 'serverVersion' does not exist on type 'Readonly<{}>'
After I googled the errors, I noticed that the most difference between Javascript and Typescript is that Typescript is more sensitive to the datatype. I created two interfaces to define the datatype of some variables.
interface IMyComponentProps {
serverVersion?: string,
interface IMyComponentState {
serverVersionOnAppLoad?: string,
then add them into the Class
export default class VersionBar extends React.PureComponent <IMyComponentProps,
Then, I changed a few variable's data-type using those interfaces.
I delete the line import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; since typescript no longer need it.
I also changed a function's parameter type from string to string | undefined from another file because a dependency function only takes the string | undefined type.
Sending pull request
when I sent a draft pull first to check will my code pass all the tests, I got 4 errors that from some formatting. I fixed it and set my pull request to ready for review, it passed all the tests. However, I still have no confidence that my code will actually work because I can not find where is my component (version bar) on the website. After one of the reviewers reviewed my code, I fixed some problems he mentioned, then he approved my pull request. I am still waiting for the merge after the approval.
the Repo mattermost-webapp:
the Issue issue-16167:
the PR PR-6976:
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